Thursday, April 7, 2011

What Bothers Me Right Now 4

Sorry to butt in here (haha, butt) what with thinking I was done for the day. I was laying in bed...actually, no. I was putting my fucking bedside table back together cause the damn drawer broke. That took about 10 minutes. Anyways, that should be another post at a later time. What bothers me right now is, about 10 minutes prior to the bedside table incident, I was cleaning my toilet. I do that about every 3 - 4 years. Anyways, I had finished cleaning it and was just putting some laundry in the bin and folding up some towels when, I had to take a shit. I just stared at the toilet. I had just cleaned it. "Why the fuck didn't I have to take a shit 5 minutes ago," I thought. So, I just stood there. I seriously looked at the toilet for at least 30 seconds and just said, "Fuck it." Sat down and did my business. That bothers me. Call me just bothers me. And don't act like it's never happened to you. Anyways, I'm going to bed. Joe out.

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