Friday, April 8, 2011

Here's to New Beginnings!

Brad and Breanne made it in this morning around 12:30. They're in bed right now, resting up from their long road trip. It's gotten me to thinking about the road trips I've taken several times over the past few years, much the same route as they have.

I remember in 2005, we came to realize that living in Kit Carson, CO wasn't going to cut it anymore and decided to move on down to San Antonio, TX to stay with my grandmother for a little while. A little while became a lot less time as she pretty much ran us out of her house. "Psycho Bitch" is a little too nice a name for her. Anyways, we tried out San Antonio and things just didn't go well.

A couple years later, we ended up moving just a smidge northward to Austin. For me, things still weren't going well. I was fed up and truly missed Colorado. So, I took that road trip again, this time in reverse, and made my way back up to Lamar.

Time had changed Colorado though, or at least had changed my feelings on it. So much was different and friends just weren't what they used to be. I came back to Austin after only a month in Colorado, disheartened and disappointed by the whole situation.

Then, came a new job, a new beginning. That beginning has become a career and I'm at a job that, while often I complain about, isn't really so bad. I have good people who I share my workspace with and make me often forget that I'm working at all. Thanks to them.

I made one last trip to Colorado back in January, this time by plane, to meet up with some old friends. I was happy to see that Colorado had changed again. This time, for the better. My best friend was doing great and had a wonderful family to share his life with and, my other best friend was content...playing the hand life had dealt him. I left that time happy with what I had seen.

Not but a few months later, my friend, someone I've talked about a bunch on here, decided to make that same trip I had embarked on 6 years ago to give it a go down here in Austin. I certainly wish him and his love a great life here and I am proud to be a part of his journey. So, here's to new beginnings. Here's to Brad and Breanne. Here's to MY FUCKING VACATION AWAY FROM THIS HELL HOLE. Oh, did I say that? Meh, just gotta get away. Joe out.

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