Sunday, April 3, 2011

Daily Breakdown

What happened today?

Same as yesterday least with going to work and all. Pretty all right day mostly. Had a chat with Hop some more on the podcast. He keeps thinking I'm going to do something to him with cheese. He has strange convictions. Had a fella from work (Bramsey) speak with him and get him in a better mood about it. Still don't know if he'll sign on or not. Hope he will.

What's going on now?

Planning on heading to the game room and doing something. Not quite sure what. Dragon Age II is getting a little meh. Just doesn't feel as deep as the previous one. I'm sure I'll figure something out.

Looking ahead

Figured Brad and Breanne will be here Wednesday at the latest. I'll be able to spend a few days with them before heading off to Vegas. Oh yea. Heading to Vegas on the 13th. That should be a nice holiday from monotony. Will be sure to update with the happenings.

Get on with it then

That's all really. I received my Family Guy DVDs. See, Amazon had this sale on all the Family Guy DVDs. $12.99 per season and I thought, "well sure, why not." Such a bad idea. I have an addiction. I just buy things and have no use for them. These DVDs will most likely wind up under the bed, unwrapped and just rot away. But hey, at least I've got that out of the way. Probably won't need to buy those again...least until they're on Blu-ray.

Joe out.

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