Friday, May 6, 2011


I wore my underwear inside-out today.  Didn't even realize it until about 2 in the morning.  I was taking a shit at work and looked down and, yep, inside-out.  That was good.  Was gonna fix it but, someone walked in on me so, I thought twice and decided not to.

Just found out that Criss Angel did an Orville Redenbacher popcorn commercial.  "You popped popcorn in the microwave? Oh my God!"  Here's a link to the video:  Stupidest Commercial Ever.  I love how the lady reacts just like all the losers on the TV show do.  Does he even have a TV show anymore?  Does anyone even care?  MIND FREAK!

Um, what else?  I swear folks.  I'm out of ideas.  I mean, without Hop around to make me question reality, I don't know what's going on.  Oh.  Here's a link to the dude's Facebook page.  Look at him.  That's what I sit next to everyday.  He's a fucking idiot-genius though.  So yeah.  Visit his page.  Add him as a friend.  He hates Facebook so, it'll make his day.

So, yeah.  I guess I'll finish it off with a joke.  How does Bob Marley like his donuts?  With jammin'.  Sorry folks.  Should have some better content in the next week or so once I get Hop back to yell at.  Joe out.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Hop, Where the Fuck Are You?

These people at work are driving me insane.  They're talking about cheese sticks, sugar water.  Something about a Kit Kat.  Apparantely, in someone's school, you were not allowed to bring your lunch.  Sprite and 3 cookies, everyday for 3 years.  Idling train engines.  Oh god, here's another one.  A Twix, a bag of salt and vinegar chips and a Dr. Pepper everyday in highschool.  Another.  All you can eat eatery.  Three times a day.  Stuck a muffin and two apples in my pocket.  That one made me laugh.  Now they're looking at me.

Nevermind.  Looking at someone else.  Something about a pasta buffet at college.  Waffle bars.  Okay, I'm done.

Here's my gripe.  Why do people have these types of conversations?  It's almost combative.  Each one of them, trying to best the other with something they had that the other person didn't.  Who cares?  I mean, I'm just listening to listen really because I've got nothing better to do at 1 in the morning.  So, Hop.  Where the fuck are you?  I've got another week of these losers.  I need mental stimulation.  I need to yell at you over some stupid story you made up.  I've come to a realization that I come to work less to work and more to bitch at Hop.

Oh, and Osama Bin Laden died.  Whoever that is.  Joe out.