Saturday, April 23, 2011

Wanna Make Twenty Bucks?

Hey folks.  I've been looking into finding hosting for the podcast and found a nice little site called that should give me the hosting I need for very little cost.  My biggest problem at this point is trying to come up with a damn name for the show.  Now, I've accepted your attempts thus far but, nothing's really struck me as all that great so, I thought I'd take it up a notch.  So, here goes:  I want anyone and everyone to post here at their ideas for the name of the show.  Now, if the name you give is chosen, I'll spot you twenty bucks.  That's right!  I'll write you a check for twenty bucks and send it your way.  Now, again, you MUST post your ideas on the blog and you also MUST follow the blog.  That's the only way you'll get the dough.  So, folks, sign up, follow the blog, tell your friends and start posting your comments right here on this post.  That's all you gotta do!  I'll be running the contest until May 21st so that gives you all 4 weeks.  Joe out!

What Bothers Me Right Now 8: The Oldest Man in the World

World's oldest man celebrated his 114th birthday a couple days ago.  Really man?  Just die already.  This world is barely worth staying on for fourteen years, let alone 114.  He's frightening to look at too.  Like a potato...a really, really fucked up potato.  And look at those ears.  I know your ears keep growing as you age but, Jesus.  They're like satellite dishes hanging off his head.  Good god.  He can pick up broadcasts from Mars.  I'll leave the old fuck alone but, seriously, if I live to be 114 (no way I will but, anyways) please someone just shoot me in the face.  Or rip off one of my mammoth ears, toss it in my mouth and I'll just choke on the fucking thing.  Just rid the world of me.  It's too damn long a time to be taking up air.  78ish is fine.  Past eighty, you're just going on too long.  Who are you trying to impress?  All your friends are fucking dead!  I'm done.  Sorry Jirouemon. Jesus.  What an awful fucking name too.  Can you imagine living on the planet for 114 years with a name like that?  Joe out.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Lack of Content and Upcoming Events

Hey folks.  I wanted to say sorry for the lack of updates recently.  Coming off vacation and heading straight back to work has really worn me out.  I should be back to posting quality posts soon enough.  Or should I say "quality"?  Anyways, I'll get on it.

In other news, the podcast is still being worked on.  I'm currently looking into hosting space.  Right now, I'm looking at the format to be a weekly 30 - 60 minute show about random events, stories of past and whatever we can think of at the moment.  I think the hardest part will be getting everyone in their different locations to get together at the same time, record their segments at the same time and send me their audio so I can edit it appropriately.  It's going to be one of those things where I have to depend on others to do their part.  I'm terrible at that but, I trust the people who will be a part of this will be somewhat responsible with their responsibility.

I don't want to give an exact date of when these podcasts will begin recording.  I want to say end of May is when we'll get the first one recorded but again, nothing is set in stone as of yet.  By the way, as always, any input is appreciated as far as what you'd like to see in the show as well as a name.  So far I've received some pretty awful suggestions but, I appreciate the effort.  Sort of.  Anyways, that's it from me.  Joe out.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

New Car

Hey all.  Just got back from Carmax with a new car.  Why a new car?  Well, if you didn't know or had forgotten, I was in a traffic collision not so long ago.  Anyways, I purchased a 2010 Nissan Versa this time around.  I love me a hatchback.  Best part of the car, it gets 34 miles per gallon.  In this day and age, you have to think about fuel economy.  Ha.  Now I sound like my dad.  Anyways, I've got some pictures I've uploaded over at Facebook.  Let's hope this one lasts longer than six months.  Joe out.

Definitely not a gas guzzler

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Back Home

Hey all.  I rolled back into Austin about 11 o'clock last night.  Sort of just relaxed and chatted with everyone at the house for awhile before passing out.  It's sad to have the vacation end but, it's also good to be home.  Work in 2 days...yuck.  But, oh well.  Work is work.  Gotta go car shopping sometime today or tomorrow as well so, let's see how that goes.  Joe out.

Monday, April 18, 2011

I'm Rich, Bitch!

The Tournament of Kings And Up Another Grand

Tournament of Kings
Hey all!  Just got back from the Tournament of Kings and some gambling.  That show was absolutely amazing.  A pretty great way to close out the Vegas trip, in my mind.  We ended up rooting for "Dragon", the evil sorcerer.  In the end, the good guys triumphed but, it was all in great fun.  Lots of violence, pyrotechnics, good looking chicks and a midget.  Oh, and the food was excellent too.  The only gross part was when a clod of dirt shot right into my mug.  At least I hope that was dirt.  In any case, if you're heading to Vegas and you're up for dinner and a show, I highly recommend it!

In other news, that Wheel of Fortune machine is my bitch.  I decided to take a detour and hit up the machine one last time before heading to the room.  I put in a hundred bucks and was down to just about thirty left.  Then, I finally hit the bonus spin.  And what a bonus.  One thousand big ones.  Yep.  So, altogether, that machine wound up paying me just about 2200 bucks.  All in all, I wound up leaving Vegas with a profit of 2400.  Not too shabby if I do say so myself.

In the end, it was a pretty great trip.  Watched some Blue men play music with a little nerd named Sasha, took a trip 45 years into the past to watch The Beatles, hung out with a douchebag magician, got horse dirt in my souvenir mug, had a duck pee on me, made the Pat Sajak machine my bitch, and left the desert with a cool couple grand and then some.  What happens in Vegas...gets put on the blog.  Joe out.

PS:  See ya in Austin soon!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

And Then Everything Worked Out

Wheel of Fortune, you my bitch
So, you know how I was bitching about the show last night and all that money I spent?  Well, I made up for it and some.  Just came back from Excalibur with an extra $1250 in my pocket.  I guess that's my place.  Hit up the Wheel of Fortune machine.  Won $250 right off the bat and thought I should walk around and check out the other machines.  After breaking even on pretty much everything, I decided to head back to Wheel of Fortune.  Wound up hitting back to back Bonus Spins worth $500 each.  So, that puts me at about fourteen hundred or so profit.  I think that'll do for me as far as gambling goes.  I can't complain about leaving Vegas with a profit.

Tonight's the show at Excalibur.  I can't remember the name...  Something about Knights of the Round Table or some such thing.  Should be a fun way to end our stay.  I'll let you know about it once we get back.  Joe out.

Edit:  Show's called Tournament of Kings.

What Bothers Me Right Now 7: David Copperfield Edition

"Entertainment Douchebag of the Year"
Ah, yes.  David Copperfield.  You get your own post.  Your douchebaggery, yes douchebaggery, has earned you a sacred spot right here on the blog.

So, we arrive at the show and everything's going well.  I'm excited for the show and even more so, for the meet and greet we have set up for afterwards.  Only one thing's bothering me thus far.  Now, I paid about two hundred bucks each for these tickets.  Keep this in mind.  I sit down and the first thing they start pawning off on us is twenty dollar souvenir cup.  Fuck you.  I should get one free.  Anyways, other than that, I'm fine at this point.

Now, I do have to give the man props.  He puts on a great show.  The guy turned a sheet of paper into a butterfly, made 13 people disappear, walked through a fan blade...oh, his duck pissed on me.  Yeah, that was a highlight.  The duck just shot urine all over me.  Now, that's a souvenir.  Shove that in your twenty dollar cup.  Anyways, awesome show.  I highly suggest checking out at least that portion of the whole "David Copperfield Experience".

Now, the meet and greet.  They usher us, there's only six total people, to this little corner and we wait.  Which is totally fine.  I've met with "Weird Al" Yankovic several times and that's pretty much customary.  So, the wait's over and we go to meet David Copperfield.  So, just so you know, the man's the first magician I had ever seen perform.  The guy made me want to be a magician.  He made the Statue of Liberty disappear, he walked through the Great Wall of China, he, um, dangled over some spikes that were on fire or something.  Anyways, some amazing tricks.  So, my expectations are super high.

Okay, so we walk up the steps and there he is.  And in less than a minute, it was all over.  He didn't say "hello".  He didn't shake my hand.  He just told me to stand to his side, smile for the camera and then said "goodbye".  Oh, he scribbled something on a photograph of himself.  I assume it's his name.  Looks like it says "Dan Cotfeld".  So, all I can think of is, "Wow, I spent hundreds of dollars for this."  Well, whatever.  At least I get a free souvenir picture and this awesome autograph I can now sell on, cherish forever.

Time to pick up the photo.  "Okay guys.  For the 2 pictures and some wallets, that'll be 45 bucks."  Haha.  "No, no," I say, "we just came from the Meet and Greet".  "Oh, okay," says the attendant, "well, I can throw in all of the wallets instead of just 2."  Sad face.  Angry face.  Forty five more dollars gone.  Thanks David.  You magical, mystical fuck.  Oh, and I bought a little stuffed version of the duck that pissed on me.  Might as well have that to remind me...aside from the urine stains on my shirt.

So, in the end...the dude's a total douchebag and totally only doing this magic thing for the money.  I mean, I should've guessed as much.  You know what?  I really shouldn't bitch about it.  It was a once in a lifetime experience...cause I sure as fuck won't do that again.  I'll tell you what though, that man sure can make  money disappear.  Well, at least mine that is.  Joe out.