Saturday, April 16, 2011

Up A Hundred Bucks

That's right folks. Hit the Casino floor over at Excalibur for about 3 hours and wound up being up a hundred bucks or so. My biggest win was at a machine called "The Big Catch". I hit max bet a few times, and won the $167 progressive jackpot. So, not too shabby for spending all of about 3 bucks on that machine. I'll have to make my way back down there tomorrow or later on after the show tonight.

Also, got some information on the Texas Hold 'Em tourneys over at Excalibur. Not really bad at all. Forty dollar buy-in and they've got a good 12 - 15 tables so, there's potential to win some good money. I may do that tomorrow as well. I'll let you guys know.

Anyways, on schedule for David Copperfield tonight. I'll let you all know how that goes. Joe out.

Ladies and gentlemen, The Beatles!

Hey all! Just got back from the BeatleShow! Talk about an awesome experience. I'd have to say that these guys know their shit when it comes to being a tribute band. Half the time I almost forgot I wasn't at an actual Beatles concert. It was pretty amazing to be a part of that. I almost got a little feeling of what it must have been like to be present for those shows some forty, almost fifty, years ago. Nah, not really. As good as these guys were, and they were damn good, nothing can measure up to what must have been one of the most amazing experiences in the world to see those guys perform live. In any case, another really great show. This time, I actually got to take photos and I've already uploaded them to Facebook here: The Beatles!

After the show, we received a comp meal down at the Planet Hollywood Buffet. Now, that was some great food. I, of course, gorged on meatballs and linguine. Absolutely amazing.

After that, we moseyed on down the strip. A bunch of weird characters. Oh yeah. Saw my first Vegas tranny. Though, this was mostly just a man in a bra and a miniskirt. Thing was hideous. I mean, props to you for being who you want to be but, I definitely didn't need to be a part of it. No photos of the tranny either, you sick fucks.

Picked up our tickets for the David Copperfield show at the MGM Grand for tomorrow night. I'm really looking forward to that. I worked out a way to actually get to meet the guy after the show. Don't know if I'll be able to upload any pictures from that yet but, once I get home, I'll try to scan the photo that we're supposed to get with him.

Anyways, that was today. Really awesome show. Again, if in town, head over to the Saxe Theater and look up the BeatleShow. Even if you don't like the Beatles, I think you can appreciate what these guys are doing to try and help some folks relive their past and help others, like myself, get a little taste of what Beatlemania was all about. Joe out.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Alive and Well. Blue Man Group And What Else Is On The Agenda

Hey all. I made it through the night. God. Look at that previous post. What a loser. That appletini really fucked me up. Anyways, the Blue Man Group concert was last night and that was pretty awesome. I got shot in the face with digestive fluid, which always makes for a good time. I'm sorry to say that, since no photography is allowed, I don't have any shots of the show but, I can say that it's probably one of the coolest things I've seen.

Oh, this is funny, or ironic, or sad. Depends on how you look at it. So, the show is all about music and color. Sort of like how you can see music through this group's eyes. Anyways, we're sitting there waiting for the show to start and all of a sudden, we see this blind lady. I'm an asshole, I know but, I'm thinking...Jesus, what kind of sad joke is this. A show that's all about sight and sound, she's going to miss half the show. I hope she got in for half price. Then, I was thinking, could you imagine taking Helen Keller to this type of show. I would guess they'd have to let her in for free. It's only fair.

Oh, oh...damn, I almost forgot. There was also this little queer kid. I'll never forget his name. Sasha. Or maybe it was spelled like Sacha but, anyways...this kid. Good god. He kept talking to us. He was amazed that they gave you ponchos for sitting in the front row. His mom was telling him that they shoot stuff at you and that's why you need to wear the poncho. Then he said "I hope they don't shoot pollen at us. I'm allergic to pollen." All I could think was, "what a fucking nerd." "I hope they don't shoot wizards and goblins at us." Then, he kept talking about Garbanzo Bean Island or some shit. The kid was fucking retarded. And then, the whole time, his stupid ass mom just kept smiling like it was the greatest thing ever. I'm all for being proud of your kid or whatever but, cut your losses lady. The whole Sasha experience made me wish I was Helen Keller.

But yeah, all in all, great night and a great show. If you're ever in the neighborhood, I'd suggest checking it out...with or without Sasha. Tonight we're heading over to the "Beatleshow!", which I guess is some sort of tribute to the Beatles. I'm looking forward to it, what with them being one of my favorite bands and all. I'll let you guys know how that goes. I'll also be doing some gambling tonight, I do believe. I haven't done any thus far but, it feels right to go do some tonight. Wish me luck! I hope they don't shoot any pollen at us. I'm allergic to pollen. Joe out.


Hey everybody. i just got back from the blue man group thing or whatever and i drank a lot and i sleep. i'm going tos leep now. woooooooooooooo. updated tormwow tommrowo tomorrow. joe uout.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Bonus: What Bothers Me Right Now 6: Airport Edition

I know, I know. The airport thing was yesterday but, I'm so upset from it all that I've decided to express my anger in an extra special "What Bothers Me Right Now".

First thing that bothers me: Security. I don't even understand these measures they go to to make sure we're "safe". Look, 9/11 was ten years ago. Shit happened, people died. I don't care. Oh, and don't pull that, "well, you're just not affected cause nobody you knew was there". Bullshit. We lost our uncle for hours and thought he died so, stop being so fucking sensitive. But yeah, here's an idea, maybe we should've beefed up security oh, I don't know, eleven or more years ago. I guess I just get upset because I can't take facial scrub on an airplane. Fucking facial scrub. I don't know of how many ounces of facial scrub have been used to take over a plane but, shit, it must've been enough to make that a no-no to bring on board.

Second thing: seats on the plane. I'm a fat guy. Not humongous but, I'm fat. So yeah, I can't fit in these fucking airplane seats. Hell, I see skinny people have issues. And if the asshole in front of me reclines his seat, I can't put down my tray table. I'm just saying, give me like 3 more inches of butt room. Thanks.

Number three: the assholes at the Houston Airport with their fucking travel carts. Who thought this was a good idea? The terminal is barely wide enough for people to walk through but, they decided let's just put fucking cars in the middle of the thing. And the guys driving, the whole fucking time, just scream "CART COMING THROUGH! CART TURNING RIGHT! CART COMING THROUGH! CART! CART! CART!" Shut the fuck up. Shut up. Shut the fuck up! I'm sorry. If you're so fucking lazy that you can't walk from Terminal C to Terminal E, just die. Fucking die. I don't want you near me. You're sucking my soul away.

Number four: the people that travel. Next time you go to an airport, look at the people. Look at those fucks. Remember, these are the same lazy losers who can't walk to Terminal E. All of them look so concerned and they're all not going anywhere. I mean, look at yourself. Where the hell do you think you're going? Nowhere. You're not important and nothing you're doing is important. We're all going nowhere. So, just stop acting so official. So "better than". Cause you're not.

That's it. I'm going to go take a nap. This city can just take it out of you. In Vegas, Joe out.

The Mob Experience

Just got back from probably my favorite thing to date that I've done. It's a little exhibit at the Tropicana called "The Mob Experience". Basically, you go around learning about the mafia and it's rise and fall through the 20s to the 70s. Probably the most fun part of the whole thing is interacting with the different actors who take you through the back alleys and back rooms of the casinos as you go through the exhibits. They also give you a nickname. Mine was "Joe Batters". If you're ever in the neighborhood, check it out. In Vegas, Joe out...for now.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Just Landed In Vegas

Hey folks! Just landed in Vegas not too long ago. I'll get some pictures uploaded here shortly of the suite here at the Luxor. Wish you were here and, in some cases, glad that you're not. Joe out.

Edit: Scratch that...going to bed. Uploaded pics to Facebook if you're interested. Check it out here: Las Vegas Pics

GG Trion

So, I decided to try Rift out with a few friends from my EU guild, and I was really digging the whole "rifts opening up and you gotta close 'em thing" when half way through one of the rifts, my account gets "Logged in from another session" or w/e. So great, my account was hacked.

"No big deal," I thought, "I'll just get the Rift authenticator, problem solved!"


I download the App for my iPhone, and low and behold, the second I go to run it, the loading screen appears with the big 'ole Trion logo, but then it cuts right back to the main screen of my phone.

So, I guess that's that! Can't play Rift 'cause it's hacked and their authenticator doesn't work. Guess you can make a game and make it as pretty as you want, but without polishing and making it epic, all it is is a shiny turd.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Viva Las Vegas!

Howdy readers! All two of you. Vegas is coming up tomorrow. Got a long list of events we're going to be attending. Blue Man Group, David Copperfield, The Beatles, who knows what else. I'll be sure to take a bunch of pictures and share them with you guys.

Any of you guys ever been to Vegas? What did you do? I know what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas but, feel free to share and comment!

It'll be nice to get out and go back to Vegas. I haven't been there in about 7 years so, I'm really looking forward to it. I've got to get to bed soon to be all rested up to take on the town. I look forward to my next post, in Las Vegas! Joe out!

I've Been A Jerk Lately

It's funny what sleep deprivation can do to you. I've been really irritable lately. Snappy. It has to be lack of sleep. Or maybe it's stress. Or both. You'd think on Day 3 of the vacation, I'd be in a little bit better mood but, nah. I'm just not into it right now. I'm about to head to sleep right now and I'm looking forward to it greatly. Let's hope Day 4 winds up with me being a little less shitty. I should be a lot happier. It's not like I have anything to not be happy about. Oh well, I'll shut the hell up and just smile. Think before I talk. Take a breath and calm down. Get some fucking sleep. That should be number one. Sleep...sleep...sleep...sleep. Damn. I should've turned this into a "What Bothers Me Right Now". Oh well. Good night. Oh, and thanks for not following me. Really appreciate the support. See, there goes the "jerk mode". Joe out.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Are You There Followers? It's Me, Joe.

"Follow" is a fucking stupid looking word. Look at it. "ollo". The hell is that thing? What a terrible middle of a word. Like a British greeting. "Ollo, guvnah!" Whatever. On with the blog.

Vacation Day 2. What a tiring waste of a day. Woke up to Sean screaming "GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!" Which instantly made me jump out of bed and run out. Soon as I saw him, he was playing that damn Black Ops. Thanks, Sean. If it's not bad enough I'm being woken up by Jesus, I got that to contend with.

In other amazingly boring news, installed fans in the bedrooms. The first one took us two hours. Two...hours... Doesn't help that we had the damn thing upside-down for twenty minutes. Funny thing is though, the second one, took all of maybe thirty minutes. You live and you learn, I guess.

As for the title of the blog, where the hell are all the followers? Folks, I made it easy for you. Look to the right. Yeah, you see that? "Follow By Email". Yeah. And then there's that little space where you can type. Yeah. You type your email address there and you can follow the blog. Yeah. So do it. Dammit.

"But Joe, you comment on Facebook every time you post." I don't care. Follow the damn blog. How do I know that you love me? Yeah. Now you feel bad. Sucker. I mean, um, follow me.

Tired. Joe out.

Oh, oh, and yeah, I'm working on getting the podcast going. I've got a lot of stuff to take care of right now but, I'm looking at a launch date of somewhere in May. Sorry, that's the best I've got right now. Follow me. I'm done. Joe out.

Quick Recap For the Day

First day of vacation has been nice. Got up around 1 and hung out with Brad and Breanne. Went to Walmart, Ross, Target and Petsmart. Fun ensued. Breanne accidentally stole a 97 cent water bottle at Walmart. She was literally shocked that she had done it and didn't even realize until we got to the car. It was great.

Petsmart and Target were fairly normal experiences. Some laughs but nothing too memorable. However, Ross was one of the greatest things ever.

First of all, Brad and I were looking for some shoes for him. He wasn't too sure of the size of his foot so, we just had him try on 5 or so different shoes to check the size. Found out he was a size 9 1/2. Once we figured it out, turned around and saw a foot size chart on the floor. We're fucking retards.

Next, at the register, the total came out to $80.02. Brad was adamant about not breaking a ten. He held the 80 bucks up to the cashier. He then told the guy that he had 80 bucks but, didn't have the 2 cents. The cashier said, "Um, okay." And I told Brad to just give the guy the ten so we could be done with it. Brad gave up the ten and was so damn upset. I kept trying to explain that this wasn't like at Seven Eleven where you get a hot dog for 76 cents and have the cashier spot you a penny. This was a department store that had to count their register and accept exact payment for purchases. He then went on a tirade about some guy named Travis. Finally, I stopped him and asked, "Who the fuck is Travis?" To which he replied, "The fucking store manager/cashier at Ross!" I couldn't believe he would remember the name and be so upset. I then recalled that Breanne had stolen the water bottle from Walmart. I then explained to him that it was okay, they were still up 95 cents for the day. He accepted it.

Later on, we headed over to Cannoli Joe's and enjoyed a nice birthday dinner for Brad. He was shocked that we would do something like that for him at which point I informed him that he owed me two cents for the dinner. He claimed to only have a ten. I hate him.

Finally, we finished up the night with a long game of Rummy Royal. Some folks call it Tripoley. In any case, we had a blast and spent a good 3 hours having only spent a dollar each to join in the game.

All in all, as I said above, a really great Day 1 of vacation. I'll keep you posted with more on how Day 2 and the rest of the vacation goes. Vegas in 4 days, baby! And that's just my "two cents". Get it? Whatever. Joe out.