Monday, April 4, 2011


Been posting for the past couple of days and already don't like the layout I have going on. I figure what I'll do is just post what's on my mind when I have some time to do so.

Invited Other Joe to join me and he'll start posting his thoughts soon.

Chatted with Chris on the phone today. We talked about how our moms called Nintendos Lintendos and how no matter what we said, they could never figure out the lingo.

"What kind of CDs does your Lintendo use?"

"It's a Nintendo, Mom."

"Right, yea. Which kind of CDs? The big ones or the small ones?"

"It doesn't use CDs. It uses cartridges."

"That's what I said. Which ones? Big or little?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know the size of the CD?"

"Mom, here, this is what they look like. It's a Nintendo cartridge."

Days later...

"I got you a new CD for your Lintendo."

"Oh, cool. Wait a second. This is a Gameboy game."

"Yeah, for the Lintendo."

"Yeah. Well, it's too small."

"That's fine."

"Thanks, Mom."

Joe out.

1 comment:

Broloth said...

whatever happened to interchangeable parts?