Monday, April 4, 2011

People Scare Me

Call me the devil but, I can't care enough about this. Well, I care a bit anyways to make a post about it. I get an email from someone who I haven't spoken to in years. This person tells me to "say a prayer for them". I almost thought it was spam. Like "African President wants to send you 50,000 pounds of gold bullion" type of shit. But I read it and say, "hell, no. This is real". Something about basically, this person is dying or thinks they're going to die and just waiting for test results and wants us (those put on the email) to keep them in our prayers. I'm thinking, if you're that far gone, just die already. If you're sending an atheist a request for prayer via email, just throw in the towel. Maybe I'm just a bad person but, I really couldn't care any less if I tried. Told Hop about it and asked him if he thinks I'm a bad person. He says, "Shit, I don't care." And I think that pretty much sums that up. Joe out.

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