Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The beginning...

Welcome readers to the Joe and Chris show! I was asked by Joe to be an author on his blog and I wasn't sure exactly what he had in mind for me to write. I racked my mind all day, thinking what should I write about then it hit me... I think that the readers deserve to know where the Joe and Chris show started. So I beleive it started as Joe stated 11 years ago. Now as most best friends always seem to have some awesome story how they were both in a bad situation and over came diversity together, or their parents grew up together blah blah blah, not our case. We went to a very small school where preschool through high school were all in the same building so we knew who each other were but had never had any form of intelligent conversation..not that we have ever. My dad was a foreign exchange student coordinator and one of our exchange students was placed with Joe and his mom. Well we had our family interviews blah blah blah so then I became more aware of who Joe was. So.. being the young naive person I was I thought that I now knew Joe. So we were in school the junior high had their lockers down a little from the upperclassmen but our paths still crossed because we shared teachers and rooms. Well my locker happened to be right across from the soda machine, as I passed Joe, or he was walking past one of the two.. I thought hey...theres Joe and managed to blurt out... "God Joe why don't you make some room for the rest of the people to walk by.." Next thing I know I was thrown against the pop machine (I would love to see this tried now by the way) ...with Joe yelling at me he would beat my head into the pop machine if I ever looked at him again. Ah.. good times.. well thats your basic start for the Joe and Chris show I will post more and more as I go along but that was our hollywood start for now tune in for more.

1 comment:

Joe said...

Funny thing is, I can see this situation occurring again, only in reverse.