Saturday, April 2, 2011

Starting over

Hey all. Thought I'd come back to the blog. Went ahead and deleted all previous posts. I think I had, oh, about 20 some odd all about God knows what or cared about. So, I supposed I'd just start the whole thing over. So, yep. That's about that.

What happened today?

Well, work. Of course. That's about a daily thing anymore. Well, not quite. Mostly daily. 5 out of 7 days anyways. I figure "mostly daily" is a fair enough statement. That's going well enough. I enjoy myself for the most part.

I've been talking with Hop (Hop's a fella I'll let you guys in on a bit later) about starting up a Podcast. I'm thinking that'd be a fun way to waste time. We've been talking about a radio show for ages but, after listening to the Ricky Gervais show as of late, figure Podcasting might just be the way to go. He's reluctant. He fears it'll be all about cheese. See...he hates cheese. Yea. Strange guy. More on that later as well.

What's going on now?

And yea, other than that, I'm playing Dragon Age II. Yes. I know everyone's already beaten it but shit, I just got around to beating Origins so, shut the hell up.

Looking ahead

In other news, my little bro Bradley beans is moving down with his woman. He's a good, old fried of mine. Looking forward to that. They should be here by Wednesday or Thursday. We'll see how that goes.

As well, looking forward to what has been deemed as "Game Nights" with Chris...and whoever else decides to join us. We get together every Wednesday and Thursday morning, around 1 to 5 and enjoy ourselves. Chris is an old friend...the oldest I've got nowadays. Known him for about 13 years. Yep.

Get on with it then

Yea, yea... Otherwise, we'll see how the Podcast idea pans out. Chris and Brad are on board as well as Other Joe and Will from work. I've got a book coming in called "Podcasting for Dummies" coming in. Hope that shines more light on the subject for me. Really hoping Hop signs on to the idea. It wouldn't be the same without Yea.

Anyways, that's all for now. Joe out.