Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Car Crash and Such

So, as you may or may not know, I was in a traffic collision about a week ago. I call it a traffic collision as I refuse to call it an "accident". Someone was at fault. The fuck who ran into me. Anyways...my car, my beautiful car, was totaled. I just found out today what it would cost to repair (nearly $11,000) and the insurance company has decided to scrap it and cut me a check. So, I'm in the market for a new car at the moment. I'd really like to get another PT Cruiser but, I'm checking all my options. We shall see. Gotta call the dealership here in a few minutes and provide some information on the car loan and other miscellaneous things. Should be a hell of a day. (By the way, the picture, not my car).

Oh, and Brad and Breanne had to postpone a day due to not getting some funds they were meant to receive. One day won't hurt. Anywho...Joe out.

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