Thursday, April 14, 2011

Bonus: What Bothers Me Right Now 6: Airport Edition

I know, I know. The airport thing was yesterday but, I'm so upset from it all that I've decided to express my anger in an extra special "What Bothers Me Right Now".

First thing that bothers me: Security. I don't even understand these measures they go to to make sure we're "safe". Look, 9/11 was ten years ago. Shit happened, people died. I don't care. Oh, and don't pull that, "well, you're just not affected cause nobody you knew was there". Bullshit. We lost our uncle for hours and thought he died so, stop being so fucking sensitive. But yeah, here's an idea, maybe we should've beefed up security oh, I don't know, eleven or more years ago. I guess I just get upset because I can't take facial scrub on an airplane. Fucking facial scrub. I don't know of how many ounces of facial scrub have been used to take over a plane but, shit, it must've been enough to make that a no-no to bring on board.

Second thing: seats on the plane. I'm a fat guy. Not humongous but, I'm fat. So yeah, I can't fit in these fucking airplane seats. Hell, I see skinny people have issues. And if the asshole in front of me reclines his seat, I can't put down my tray table. I'm just saying, give me like 3 more inches of butt room. Thanks.

Number three: the assholes at the Houston Airport with their fucking travel carts. Who thought this was a good idea? The terminal is barely wide enough for people to walk through but, they decided let's just put fucking cars in the middle of the thing. And the guys driving, the whole fucking time, just scream "CART COMING THROUGH! CART TURNING RIGHT! CART COMING THROUGH! CART! CART! CART!" Shut the fuck up. Shut up. Shut the fuck up! I'm sorry. If you're so fucking lazy that you can't walk from Terminal C to Terminal E, just die. Fucking die. I don't want you near me. You're sucking my soul away.

Number four: the people that travel. Next time you go to an airport, look at the people. Look at those fucks. Remember, these are the same lazy losers who can't walk to Terminal E. All of them look so concerned and they're all not going anywhere. I mean, look at yourself. Where the hell do you think you're going? Nowhere. You're not important and nothing you're doing is important. We're all going nowhere. So, just stop acting so official. So "better than". Cause you're not.

That's it. I'm going to go take a nap. This city can just take it out of you. In Vegas, Joe out.

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