Sunday, April 10, 2011

Are You There Followers? It's Me, Joe.

"Follow" is a fucking stupid looking word. Look at it. "ollo". The hell is that thing? What a terrible middle of a word. Like a British greeting. "Ollo, guvnah!" Whatever. On with the blog.

Vacation Day 2. What a tiring waste of a day. Woke up to Sean screaming "GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!" Which instantly made me jump out of bed and run out. Soon as I saw him, he was playing that damn Black Ops. Thanks, Sean. If it's not bad enough I'm being woken up by Jesus, I got that to contend with.

In other amazingly boring news, installed fans in the bedrooms. The first one took us two hours. Two...hours... Doesn't help that we had the damn thing upside-down for twenty minutes. Funny thing is though, the second one, took all of maybe thirty minutes. You live and you learn, I guess.

As for the title of the blog, where the hell are all the followers? Folks, I made it easy for you. Look to the right. Yeah, you see that? "Follow By Email". Yeah. And then there's that little space where you can type. Yeah. You type your email address there and you can follow the blog. Yeah. So do it. Dammit.

"But Joe, you comment on Facebook every time you post." I don't care. Follow the damn blog. How do I know that you love me? Yeah. Now you feel bad. Sucker. I mean, um, follow me.

Tired. Joe out.

Oh, oh, and yeah, I'm working on getting the podcast going. I've got a lot of stuff to take care of right now but, I'm looking at a launch date of somewhere in May. Sorry, that's the best I've got right now. Follow me. I'm done. Joe out.

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