Friday, April 15, 2011

Alive and Well. Blue Man Group And What Else Is On The Agenda

Hey all. I made it through the night. God. Look at that previous post. What a loser. That appletini really fucked me up. Anyways, the Blue Man Group concert was last night and that was pretty awesome. I got shot in the face with digestive fluid, which always makes for a good time. I'm sorry to say that, since no photography is allowed, I don't have any shots of the show but, I can say that it's probably one of the coolest things I've seen.

Oh, this is funny, or ironic, or sad. Depends on how you look at it. So, the show is all about music and color. Sort of like how you can see music through this group's eyes. Anyways, we're sitting there waiting for the show to start and all of a sudden, we see this blind lady. I'm an asshole, I know but, I'm thinking...Jesus, what kind of sad joke is this. A show that's all about sight and sound, she's going to miss half the show. I hope she got in for half price. Then, I was thinking, could you imagine taking Helen Keller to this type of show. I would guess they'd have to let her in for free. It's only fair.

Oh, oh...damn, I almost forgot. There was also this little queer kid. I'll never forget his name. Sasha. Or maybe it was spelled like Sacha but, anyways...this kid. Good god. He kept talking to us. He was amazed that they gave you ponchos for sitting in the front row. His mom was telling him that they shoot stuff at you and that's why you need to wear the poncho. Then he said "I hope they don't shoot pollen at us. I'm allergic to pollen." All I could think was, "what a fucking nerd." "I hope they don't shoot wizards and goblins at us." Then, he kept talking about Garbanzo Bean Island or some shit. The kid was fucking retarded. And then, the whole time, his stupid ass mom just kept smiling like it was the greatest thing ever. I'm all for being proud of your kid or whatever but, cut your losses lady. The whole Sasha experience made me wish I was Helen Keller.

But yeah, all in all, great night and a great show. If you're ever in the neighborhood, I'd suggest checking it out...with or without Sasha. Tonight we're heading over to the "Beatleshow!", which I guess is some sort of tribute to the Beatles. I'm looking forward to it, what with them being one of my favorite bands and all. I'll let you guys know how that goes. I'll also be doing some gambling tonight, I do believe. I haven't done any thus far but, it feels right to go do some tonight. Wish me luck! I hope they don't shoot any pollen at us. I'm allergic to pollen. Joe out.

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