Sunday, April 10, 2011

Quick Recap For the Day

First day of vacation has been nice. Got up around 1 and hung out with Brad and Breanne. Went to Walmart, Ross, Target and Petsmart. Fun ensued. Breanne accidentally stole a 97 cent water bottle at Walmart. She was literally shocked that she had done it and didn't even realize until we got to the car. It was great.

Petsmart and Target were fairly normal experiences. Some laughs but nothing too memorable. However, Ross was one of the greatest things ever.

First of all, Brad and I were looking for some shoes for him. He wasn't too sure of the size of his foot so, we just had him try on 5 or so different shoes to check the size. Found out he was a size 9 1/2. Once we figured it out, turned around and saw a foot size chart on the floor. We're fucking retards.

Next, at the register, the total came out to $80.02. Brad was adamant about not breaking a ten. He held the 80 bucks up to the cashier. He then told the guy that he had 80 bucks but, didn't have the 2 cents. The cashier said, "Um, okay." And I told Brad to just give the guy the ten so we could be done with it. Brad gave up the ten and was so damn upset. I kept trying to explain that this wasn't like at Seven Eleven where you get a hot dog for 76 cents and have the cashier spot you a penny. This was a department store that had to count their register and accept exact payment for purchases. He then went on a tirade about some guy named Travis. Finally, I stopped him and asked, "Who the fuck is Travis?" To which he replied, "The fucking store manager/cashier at Ross!" I couldn't believe he would remember the name and be so upset. I then recalled that Breanne had stolen the water bottle from Walmart. I then explained to him that it was okay, they were still up 95 cents for the day. He accepted it.

Later on, we headed over to Cannoli Joe's and enjoyed a nice birthday dinner for Brad. He was shocked that we would do something like that for him at which point I informed him that he owed me two cents for the dinner. He claimed to only have a ten. I hate him.

Finally, we finished up the night with a long game of Rummy Royal. Some folks call it Tripoley. In any case, we had a blast and spent a good 3 hours having only spent a dollar each to join in the game.

All in all, as I said above, a really great Day 1 of vacation. I'll keep you posted with more on how Day 2 and the rest of the vacation goes. Vegas in 4 days, baby! And that's just my "two cents". Get it? Whatever. Joe out.

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