Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I've Been A Jerk Lately

It's funny what sleep deprivation can do to you. I've been really irritable lately. Snappy. It has to be lack of sleep. Or maybe it's stress. Or both. You'd think on Day 3 of the vacation, I'd be in a little bit better mood but, nah. I'm just not into it right now. I'm about to head to sleep right now and I'm looking forward to it greatly. Let's hope Day 4 winds up with me being a little less shitty. I should be a lot happier. It's not like I have anything to not be happy about. Oh well, I'll shut the hell up and just smile. Think before I talk. Take a breath and calm down. Get some fucking sleep. That should be number one. Sleep...sleep...sleep...sleep. Damn. I should've turned this into a "What Bothers Me Right Now". Oh well. Good night. Oh, and thanks for not following me. Really appreciate the support. See, there goes the "jerk mode". Joe out.

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