Friday, April 22, 2011

Lack of Content and Upcoming Events

Hey folks.  I wanted to say sorry for the lack of updates recently.  Coming off vacation and heading straight back to work has really worn me out.  I should be back to posting quality posts soon enough.  Or should I say "quality"?  Anyways, I'll get on it.

In other news, the podcast is still being worked on.  I'm currently looking into hosting space.  Right now, I'm looking at the format to be a weekly 30 - 60 minute show about random events, stories of past and whatever we can think of at the moment.  I think the hardest part will be getting everyone in their different locations to get together at the same time, record their segments at the same time and send me their audio so I can edit it appropriately.  It's going to be one of those things where I have to depend on others to do their part.  I'm terrible at that but, I trust the people who will be a part of this will be somewhat responsible with their responsibility.

I don't want to give an exact date of when these podcasts will begin recording.  I want to say end of May is when we'll get the first one recorded but again, nothing is set in stone as of yet.  By the way, as always, any input is appreciated as far as what you'd like to see in the show as well as a name.  So far I've received some pretty awful suggestions but, I appreciate the effort.  Sort of.  Anyways, that's it from me.  Joe out.

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