Saturday, April 30, 2011

So, I Guess Nobody Cares. Neither Do I.

Well, I suppose folks just don't like the aspect of making twenty bucks for little to no work.  That's cool.  I could use the money.  I'm speaking in regards to a contest I had set up last week requesting you all to put in your two cents on a name for the podcast.  Your two cents could've been worth twenty bucks but, whatever.  WHATEVER.  The contest is still there.  Lazy fuck.  You want a link don't you.  Here:  Lazy fucks click here.  
I mean, look at it.

But it doesn't matter to me if you submit a name or not.  Besides, I'll probably wind up calling it "The Joe Show" or some other crappy name like that.  Like I said, I could use the twenty bucks.  I'm thinking of having weekly contests on the podcast for shitty prizes.  Like a Mr. T rubber ducky.  Or maybe a Michael Jackson mask.  Good God.  That thing is fucking awful.

But yeah.  Whatever.  You guys probably won't even read this.  And yeah.  I know I'm bitching but, fuck you.  This is my space on the web to bitch, bitch.  I'd go read whatever drivel you could muster up and throw on the internet.  Well, probably not.  Let's be honest.  It most likely wouldn't be all that well put together.  A lot of thought goes into these posts, people.  Well, not so much this one.  But, I mean...did anyone read yesterday's post about the royal wedding?  Or the homeless feature?  Hell, all the "What Bothers Me Right Now" articles are amazing.  I mean.  Is that it?  Am I attacking what you love and you just can't take it?  I don't care.  Accept it and support me you fucking lemmings!  Ahahahhaha!  I'll stop.

In all honesty though, still aiming for the podcast to be first recorded May 24th and hopefully be uploaded by the 25th or a little later.  Man, I can't believe this is happening.  You don't understand, guys.  I've been wanting to do radio since I was a little shit.  I used to record myself talking about the stupidest things.  And now, this podcast, well, it's a step closer, isn't it?  Yeah.  Well, wish me luck.  And to the one dude following these posts...  Thanks man.  I don't even know who you are but, you're cool.  Fuck the rest of you.  Joe out.

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