Saturday, April 23, 2011

Wanna Make Twenty Bucks?

Hey folks.  I've been looking into finding hosting for the podcast and found a nice little site called that should give me the hosting I need for very little cost.  My biggest problem at this point is trying to come up with a damn name for the show.  Now, I've accepted your attempts thus far but, nothing's really struck me as all that great so, I thought I'd take it up a notch.  So, here goes:  I want anyone and everyone to post here at their ideas for the name of the show.  Now, if the name you give is chosen, I'll spot you twenty bucks.  That's right!  I'll write you a check for twenty bucks and send it your way.  Now, again, you MUST post your ideas on the blog and you also MUST follow the blog.  That's the only way you'll get the dough.  So, folks, sign up, follow the blog, tell your friends and start posting your comments right here on this post.  That's all you gotta do!  I'll be running the contest until May 21st so that gives you all 4 weeks.  Joe out!

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