Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hop is a Fucking Idiot

Hey all.  As most of you all know, I hang out with a fella by the name of "Hop".  Real name's Johnathon but, he's Hop to most everybody.  Anyways, he's gone on vacation and today was his last day of work for awhile.

Groundhog Day
I was giving him some hell by telling him that the joke was on him and that he was going to have to relive the day like Bill Murray did in Groundhog Day.  He told me he had never seen it but that he was familiar with the premise and that if that was the case, he would just jump off a cliff.  To which I said that it wouldn't make much difference what he did, he would just come back and it would be the same day all over again.  He looked at me weird.  I said, "Yeah, because Bill Murray has to relive the day, over and over again, until he gets it just right and winds up with the love of his life or whatever."  And then he said "Oh.  Well, I must've been watching Groundhog Day 2 then."  And we argued because I told him there was no Groundhog Day 2.  And he kept going on that there was and that it didn't have Bill Murray but he had seen it.  He then told me to look it up...which I did...and, of course, there's no Groundhog Day 2.

He then got angry at me because he swore he had seen it.  And he said, "I mean, it's nothing like what Groundhog Day is though, I mean, I haven't seen that one but, it doesn't follow what I think it's about."  So, I asked him, "Well, what's Groundhog Day 2 about then?"  He replied, "It's about this guy who's trying to save his golf course from..."  I stopped him there.  I said, "No.  Shut up.  No.  That's not Groundhog Day or Groundhog Day 2.  That's Caddyshack."  And then he said, "Yeah.  Oh yeah.  That's it.  Caddyshack 2."  I said, "No.  No.  That's Caddyshack.  And it has nothing to do with anything related to Groundhog Day with exception to Bill Murray being in it as well."

Groundhog Day 2, aka Caddyshack
He then said, "Well, no.  That's Groundhog Day then.  Because the groundhog keeps messing up his golf course."  I said, "No, Hop.  No.  That's not even a groundhog.  That's a gopher."  "Same thing," he says.  Of course.  I say, "No.  Hop, listen.  Caddyshack is where Bill Murray is, I believe, the groundskeeper of the golf course.  Something like that.  And the gopher..."  "Groundhog," he said.  "Whatever," I continued.  "It keeps messing up the golf course and Bill Murray keeps trying to get rid of it and winds up blowing up half the course or something which knocks the ball in the hole and allows them to win the golf tournament and keep the golf course.  Something like that.  I haven't seen the movie in awhile."

He said, "Well, right.  And what?  He lives that day over and over again?"  I said, "Hop, when are you going on vacation?"  I swear.  He either is just a fucking troll or a complete idiot.  Which, I want to say that he's just an idiot.  A moron.  A complete waste of matter.  And I can't wait to do the podcast with him.

Groundhog Day 3: This Time It's Personal
Hey, Hop.  What's that movie where Bill Murray fights those groundhog ghosts on that golf course day after day?  Groundhog Day 3, right?  Shut the fuck up.  Thank god you're going on vacation.  But Jesus Christ, what will I do without you for three weeks?  Joe out.

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