Thursday, April 28, 2011

What Bothers Me Right Now 9: Homeless People

Yeah.  Call me an asshole but, sorry, I don't care about the homeless anymore.  I've been in some bad shit but have always managed to pull out of it in the end.  I just can't comprehend getting to a point where you're in a situation where you're living off of handouts.  Let me tell you a story and maybe you'll see more where I'm coming from.

When I was living in Denver, about a decade or so ago, I was approached by a homeless man.  Now, up to this point, I was pretty used to the homeless and tried to help where I could.  Never gave them money but, I was always more than willing to pass along a bag of chips or a burger, anything I could get for them.  So far, the people had always taken me up on it and were overly thankful and I always felt a little better of myself.

Anyways, the homeless guy approached me and asked if I could help him out.  Now, I had just come out of a gas station at the time and bought a sandwich for the next 2 or 3 hours I'd be on the road.  I wasn't really hungry but, it's nice to have backup in case.  I told him, "Well, you know what...I just bought this sandwich so, if you want that, here you go."  He just kinda looked at me dumbfounded.  He said, "Well, actually, what I'd really like is some money, man.  Even a quarter would help."  So, now I'm thinking to myself.  So, this asshole wants a quarter.  This sandwich is 3 dollars.  He's willing to take a piece of filthy metal over something that will provide him with a full belly.  Fuck this.  I look right back at him.  I throw the sandwich at his feet and pull a quarter out of my pocket.  I yell, "You want a fucking quarter?  Here's your fucking quarter!"  I chucked that quarter out onto the street, got in my car, and sped away.  A waste of a good sandwich if you ask me but, it just completely blew my mind how selfish this man was.  First, you come up to me and beg.  Second, you don't accept my offer.  Go fuck yourself.

I'm reminded by all this because today, as I finished pumping gas in my car, I was approached by another homeless man.  Now, at this point, 10 years down the road, I'm thinking I'll be generous.  He asks if I have any money.  I inform him that I don't carry cash but, I'd be more than happy to buy him a drink or a hotdog or something.  He says, "Cool, man."  So, we start heading inside and he says, "You know what man.  Actually.  Could you get me some cigarettes?"  I say, "Nope.  And you just lost your hotdog, bro."  Now, he starts following me.  "Ah, man.  Could I just get a ride then.  I'm just up the street."  I say, "Nah, man.  You had your chance.  You'll figure it out."  Got in my car and sped away.

Now, who's the asshole?  I just don't get where these people find the nerve to ask for help and, when I provide an alternative to money, they're almost offended that I don't just give them a dollar.  That almighty dollar that's worth less than what I'm willing to give them.  Who do you think you are, you homeless fuck?  I hope it rains.  I hope your cardboard box get soaked up and falls apart and drifts off into a rain gutter.  And, I hope that if I'm ever in your shoes, I respect those who are willing to lend a helping hand and accept whatever they have to offer.  Joe out.

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