Friday, April 29, 2011

What Bothers Me Right Now 10: The Royal Wedding

"...Kate's pretty good looking.  I'd give her a go."
So, today's a special day, yeah?  What with William and Kate getting hitched.  Whoopty-doo!  Who gives a shit really?  I just don't see the importance of royalty.  That's what bothers me right now.

You see, a long time ago, in the distant land of Britain, there were a bunch of rich snobs.  They all  wanted to fuck their sisters and cousins so made up this "royalty" business.  Had to keep the bloodline going and all that.  What a bunch of shit.  And now it's even worse.  These people have done nothing but have the privilege of being born into this.  They have no talent, no skills.  Hell, they're not even good to look at.  And so now we have to go make a big deal of how rich they are and how special they are.  Their parents fucked.  That should never make you instantly famous.  Just total shit is all it is.

And then I come home and all that's on TV is this "Royal Wedding" bullshit.  Hell, it's been like this for a week or two.  I can't change the channel without looking at this British bullshit.  I admit, Kate's pretty good looking.  I'd give her a go.  But, Jesus Christ...should we really care about this kind of shit?

Chim-chim-charoo, you royal fuck.
What goodwill is this going to bring the world?  I mean really.  At least he's not fucking his sister but, still...William, dude, you gotta know you're worthless.  If you were born to Tom and Jill Nannyfanny on Broomster Lane in Manchester, you'd be a chimney sweep just like your pop.  Supercalifragi-who-gives-a-fuck.

Enjoy it while you can, Billy.  She'll just wind up like your mom.  Drop your sorry ass, get half of everything you own, go bone a Frenchman and crash into a tunnel.  Then, Elton John will sing her favorite song at the funeral.  Yeah.  That's what we have to look forward to.  Hey Elton.  Whether or not it's her favorite, do "Tiny Dancer".  That shit's hot.  Joe out.

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