Friday, May 6, 2011


I wore my underwear inside-out today.  Didn't even realize it until about 2 in the morning.  I was taking a shit at work and looked down and, yep, inside-out.  That was good.  Was gonna fix it but, someone walked in on me so, I thought twice and decided not to.

Just found out that Criss Angel did an Orville Redenbacher popcorn commercial.  "You popped popcorn in the microwave? Oh my God!"  Here's a link to the video:  Stupidest Commercial Ever.  I love how the lady reacts just like all the losers on the TV show do.  Does he even have a TV show anymore?  Does anyone even care?  MIND FREAK!

Um, what else?  I swear folks.  I'm out of ideas.  I mean, without Hop around to make me question reality, I don't know what's going on.  Oh.  Here's a link to the dude's Facebook page.  Look at him.  That's what I sit next to everyday.  He's a fucking idiot-genius though.  So yeah.  Visit his page.  Add him as a friend.  He hates Facebook so, it'll make his day.

So, yeah.  I guess I'll finish it off with a joke.  How does Bob Marley like his donuts?  With jammin'.  Sorry folks.  Should have some better content in the next week or so once I get Hop back to yell at.  Joe out.

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