Friday, May 13, 2011

The Alien Discussion

Today, Hop and I discussed a possible new sequel to the Alien vs Predator movies.  This would be a sort of rebranding of the series.

It all started when we were discussing how many Alien movies we thought there had been in total.  And I claimed I had stopped watching after the 2nd one because Sigourney Weaver is an ugly woman and I actually felt bad for the aliens.

In any case, this rebranding would have Xena as the lead role.  This was Hop's idea.  I asked him if it would be Lucy Lawless just playing the character of Xena or if it would be her playing herself.  He stated that it would be both.  In fact, it would be similar to the movie "The Parent Trap".  However, in this case, the mom and dad would be an alien and a predator, both vying for their children's (Lucy and Xena) affection.  The title would be "The Predator Trap".

We then figured we should have Sigourney Weaver make a cameo as a throwback to the original movies.  She would play the "Predalien", a third child who was thrown in the basement.  I figure she sorta looks like what a Predalien would probably look like anyways.

We didn't really come up with an end to the movie, but we discussed why someone would name their child "Sigourney".  I said if I had the last name Weaver, I'd name my kid Dream.  Hop said he'd name his Basket.  We couldn't come up with any other names that made sense.  I then said the name Beaver Weaver but insisted that I could never enroll the child in public school...or society for that matter.

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